give a future to the memory Notes Roberto Di Nunzio notes on facebook
Ilaria Alpi and Miran Hrovatin (1994-2009) "Open Letter Members, the public, the movement " Yesterday at 14:10 March 19, 2009 - The
March 11, 1994 Ilaria Alpi and Miran Hrovatin depart for Somalia with a military helicopter took off from Pisa airport. On March 20, 1994 will be killed in downtown Mogadishu. They had just returned in the Somali capital with a UN plane from Bosaso in the north of the country. Not to forget
Ilaria and Miran
a brave woman
11 years after the Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry into the death of Ilaria Alpi and Miran Hrovatin ends its work in the worst way, as it is to de-legitimized Inside the resignation of members of the center-left and a summit consisting of the President Carlo Taormina (FI), the head of the secretariat and a small number of advisers who have lost the very meaning of the Establishment of the Parliamentary Commission mission, helping to close down a the path dead-institutional body Parliament had been called to follow and which had raised high hopes in all those years in those who had fought with dedication and generosity to reach dupluice shed light on the murder of two journalists from the TG3, electrocuted to shock of gunfire.
last day of work of the Commission President Carlo Taormina DECLARED for 'defamation' Giorgio and Luciana Alpi, parents of Ilaria (1)
They are able to witness first hand the passion and the great civil commitment of two Members appointed to the Commission and a consultant: Elettra Deiana (PRC), Mauro Bulgarelli (Greens) and Marie-Gritta Grainer (former Communist Party and deputy representative of the family of Ilaria Alpi). Others, I do not know ...
The vaults of the archive Commission acora Alps are now full of secret documents (ie unpublished), of exceptional interest for understanding and justice, received from the attorney of the Republic of Italy and half by local police authorities who have never been consulted nor analyzed, preferring to concentrate on the work of the Commission investigative margin wholly alien to establish the truth. It should be noted in particular the attitude set up by Commission President Carlo Taormina against journalists in Mogadishu that on March 20, 1994, colleagues of the three Tg and other national media called for the hearings of the Commission in the classroom: Journalists issued statements at the hearing were sent to the Prosecutor of the Republic of Rome showing, according to the yardstick of the President, the possibility of criminal offenses in which the journalists had committed.
Entire line of investigation have been ignored or, worse, not even a preliminary exploration. The leadership of the Commission were not completely impermeable to 'investigative suggestions' but even those minimal evidence of cross-documentation on file that would have brought safely to make huge strides in the search for truth. Irretrievably lost opportunity.
Getting to reduce the tragic death of Ilaria Alpi and Miran Hrovatin, Taormina as did the President in his opinion a generic 'kidnapping attempt that went wrong' collides with all the reconstructions performed, as well as the very logic of those who wanted and ordered the double murder. Although belatedly, and with improper delay, well did the deputies of the center to autosospendersi in those days, the work of the Commission. But it was not enough.
E 'must do everything possible to bring the focus of public policy and the exceptional documentation collected and preserved in the archives of Palazzo San Macuto, the historical seat of parliamentary committees, and contains the truth about what happened Ilaria and Miran.
Documentation "Secret" that is likely to remain secret forever, buried in the archives. Needed now, immediately, without a moment's delay, an exceptional mobilization of public opinion, parties and movimeti of the left and deputies and senators of the Democratic Party, if only you still believe that it is worthwhile to engage in first person, in every way and in any place to stem the drift of silence in which it is to slip inexorably memory of Ilaria Alpi and Miran Hrovatin. It 'necessary to bring public attention all the final report of the Commission's work, minority and majority as well as reports by Mauro Bulgarelli and Mariangela Gritta-Grainer. Because everyone can know with absolute transparency the location of more than two years of work of the Commission, and may they be views, opinions and conclusions.
The alternative is the end of all hope of being able to get to know the truth about the double murder of Mogadishu. Open those closets archive, analyze, documentation, find the facts and cruisers, this is the only way to begin a race against time to get to the truth. Not to be delivered, black and white, in a final report tabled in Parliament that the death of Ilaria and Miran is reduced to a tale of crime that gave rise to some Somali band for 'a kidnapping attempt concluded evil'.
For my part, with infinite sadness and regret everything that could be done and is guilty not been done, I just have to remain silent pain and outrage of Giorgio and Luciana Alps and that everyone - at least on this occasion - to assume public responsibility. No other words ...
Roberto di Nunzio
(former consultant of the 'Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry into the death of Ilaria Alpi and Miran Hrovatin', appointed by the Parliamentary Group of the 'Greens' in the House of Representatives)
Commission Alpes Hrovatin, l' Last Act: Withdrawal of the judiciary Ilaria Alpi's parents found guilty of having demanded the truth about the death of their daughter - The full text of the letter sent to Speaker of the House, Hon Pier Ferdinando Casini, President of the Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry into the death of Ilaria Alpi and Miran Hrovatin, Hon. Carlo Taormina in which the Chairman of the Commission announces the libel suits against Giorgio and Luciana Alpi, parents of Ilaria.
Mr. President,
"learn from the press that the gentlemen Alps have turned to you to express my complaints about media utterances with which I anticipated findings on the work of the Commission which I chair. Lords Alps forget that all actions taken, unless otherwise resolved, shall be public, and all the hearings, except those that are secret, are made with circuit "print" always on. Poor that the media attention devoted to the work of the Commission, unless some action in which, when my comments have appeared, was given interlocutorietà note of any information, is critical to demonstrate the unacceptability of the Alps made to me by gentlemen. " And in this regard is not even the case that I am uncomfortable evocation of the principle of absolute freedom of action of any Parliamentary Republic.
"The clamor of these days, so to speak, was determined by turning the objective, real , concrete and constituent data contained in documents freely available, the Italian forensic team was in a position to rebuild beyond doubt the dynamics of the events that ended with the killing of two journalists in Mogadishu, as a result of the discovery and seizure of the car in which they were killed. "
" The reconstruction demonstrates incontrovertibly, as recognized by the entire Commission, Ilaria Alpi, which was not the victim of an "execution" carried out by firing a shot into contact with the head of the poor journalist, even as it continues to say, despite the truth of: the Alps and a consultant to the Commission through the recent publication of a book. Ilaria Alpi was the victim of a hit belonged to a hail of gunfire from the commandos carried out following the action of the man who took stock of Ilaria Alpi The recklessness of firing first. "
" This truth, Mr President, clashes with the beliefs cultivated for eleven years and is not digested by anyone, from the Alps spouses, who have blatantly and personally accused of being in the service of some interest and some politicians, clearly referring to the chain De Michelis - Craxi - Berlusconi. This framework is part of the grotesque initiative of the Prosecutor of Rome, currently under investigation, with reference to certain of its members, at the prosecutor of Perugia, even at the behest of the Lords Alps.
"The initiative in question was expressed the elevation of an imaginary conflict of powers, that to be considered for primary reason that the same prosecutor of Rome was and is really free, but was careful not to do so to make any inquiries that he believes the car seized, while he is not written anywhere that "to safeguard the authenticity of the evidence" the Commission should have made the findings of its exclusive competence, along with the judges, the performance of acts combined, this, that would be dictated by the fact that parliamentary committees would not have the investigative powers of the Judicial Authority, in blatant violation, as you, Mr President well known, the precise and unambiguous constitutional provision in Article 82.
"I will not tolerate, Mr President, that someone Think of being able to superimpose on the Commission's work and influence the results, nor tolerate that commences with a media campaign because, by dint of repeating that the Commission's conclusions are not true, we end to induce a belief in the people who actually do not are in the same way for eleven years, by dint of repeating things that are false, even I had believed that they were true. "
" One last thing, Mr President, I will not tolerate: that someone, beginning with the Alps spouses, accused, as was done by the Public Prosecutor of Rome unreasonably, I chair the Commission of "pollution of the investigation." Neither tolerance that exploited my media exposure and my image in person highly motivated in carrying out its functions, to try and send the results to forty-eight cards, perhaps for the first time in the history of the Republic, a parliamentary commission of inquiry has been able to reach in one of the many mysteries of 'Italy, exposing false reconstruction of the dynamics of the facts, it also gives the judicial authorities to prosecute the killers and perhaps to remedy a miscarriage of justice consumed with the conviction of a young Somali to the killing of two journalists. "
" For these statements, Mr President, Mr and Mrs D'Amati Alps and the lawyer who claims to speak on their behalf, will be taken into account better, to me with immediate production of action for defamation, and the next Bureau of the Commission to determine all the legal action be taken against them. "
Hon Prof. Carlo Taormina
(July 5, 2005)
Comment written 13 hours ago ° I piaceNon I like most · Report note to you and 5 other like this. 5 people like this elemento.Titta Vadala at 14:54 on 19 March
not believe that it is appropriate to raise the issue ... .. politicissima .'s review of the legislation that defines what is "secret" and what is not?
are not expert in the field but in the light of what's happening today I think is a growing need to "OPEN THE WARDROBE" .. or hitech talking about databases ... ... Roberto Di Nunzio at 15.55 on March 19
The problem ... View more complex - at least in the case of the Commission Alps - it can only solve the leglislatore. Documents covered already delivered by the 'secret inquiry' imposed by the prosecutors were kept secret for a second time by the President of the Commission. After that (for many reasons) is to drop the investigation remains secret that (almost tomb) of the Commission. Now, if I - for example - were aware of the contents of those documents it appears that I can not tell u even point because even I could run into a crime (which sounds like stuff from a time of war) at the turn of the 'espionage' and the 'Revelation of state secrets' ... And here - today - we were impantanatiElettra Deiana at 16.05 on March 19
Reform of the utilities with an attached review of what concerns the state secret, the classified status of documents and so c '... See more already in the XV Legislature and is not the best. The work of Commssione Alps have suffered the negative consequences and "obsessive" which emphasizes Roberto Di Nunzio. Despite this, data had emerged that confirmed the existence of many obscure points in the dynamics, in the interests of many episodes and in the outcomes of each other, especially in the final stage. I had no predetermined position with respect to the murder of two journalists and for what I knew the situation in Somalia (which I knew quite well) could be just an "accident" of war. At the end of the work but I had come to the conclusion that the hypothesis of the attack planned on a personal basis was far fetched. There would be no need for a resumption of work by the judiciary. But there was seguito.Titta Vadala at 16:39 on 19 March
dear I confirmed that the reform of state secrets and all appurtenances must be a point of qualifying (alas, not much) the next election campaign of any force of the left .. and democracy need to remind prospective applicants ... Ghirmawit Seyoum at 17:24 on 19 March
what a shame! how many hidden truths! it is as if they had killed for the second time and this time in the worst modi.Roberto Di Nunzio on March 19 at 18:08
@ Elettra. You're right. However, the management of secret documents - as you will recall - was the cause of major tensions within the Commission. Having studied with many great care, these enclosed (contain and still today) to unravel many fundamental steps, node after node, much of the network that holds together the so-called 'altromistero' killing of Ilaria Alpi and Miran Hrovatin. Without those documents, there will never be certainty and evidence on who were the instigators of the double murder and the two journalists were killed because of TG3. Even the judiciary, today, would legally struggling to overcome the secrecy applied by the Commission on the entire amount of the secret papers and documents filed at the Palazzo San Macuto. This is a strong and essential to solve ... How? Elettra Deiana at 23:21 on 19 March
I agree that managing documents created not only tensions but clashes. I also agree that a thorough analysis of the same light I do not directly lead to the truth, but other useful items to get there. Another parliamentary committee? A significant resumption of the judiciary? A propaganda campaign that goes beyond the people who have always followed the story? Perhaps above all else a political climate