because who is remembered never dies "Ilaria Alpi and Miran Hrovatin, because who is remembered never dies ..." Share
Today at 00:43 March 11, 2010 - March 11, 1994 The Ilaria Alpi with his cameraman Miran Hrovatin military departed from the airport of Pisa a flight 'special' to Mogadishu, Somalia, where Ilaria was sent for a second time by his newspaper, the TG3 -
Ilaria and Miran will never come again, if not in two wooden crates unloaded from a C130 dell'Areonautica military killed at around 15:00 on March 20 in central Mogadishu, a few steps from the residence of the then Italian Ambassador distnaza, which is well protected by over 100 police officers did not hear even the duty to stop from his residence to see - at least to see, be aware of person - those bloody bodies of two Italian giornalsti, because within minutes the voice of the death of Ilaria and Miran spread throughout Mogadishu.
Today, 16 years later still has not written the final word on the double murder, is not given to know a certain truth, sure, undeniable that horrible crime.
The Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry chaired by lawyer Carlo Taormina has failed with an interplay of application of secrets secrets to seal the doors of the archives of the Chamber on the exceptional documentation from all Italian public prosecutors who had investigated the murders, all the offices of Digos, the Italian secret services and foreign, that the Commission had collected ...
The last formal act of the Commission before its closure was to send two police officers to search - early morning - Ilaria's house, where they lived (and live) Giorgio and Luciana Alpi, parents, inexhaustible protagonists of 16 years furious battles to try to understand in what context he developed the double murder and what the murder of his daughter and his colleague from Trieste.
Ilaria was an investigative journalist, intelligent, curious, with your whole life ahead of her destruction has been done: his studies in Cairo, its culture and its sensitivity there is no trace in the work of the Commission nor in the investigations by the prosecution which did not lead anywhere ...
only the memory remains, strong, powerful, irrepressible of two journalists 'on field' who were not afraid of anything but were bold ... were curious, and will not settle for prepackaged truth .... As should be, as they should do, all the reporters, all reporters.
Ilaria and Miran because I remember who is remembered never dies ... (With George and Lucia in the heart)
Roberto di Nunzio
(journalist, former member of the Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry into the Death of Ilaria Alpi and Miran Hrovatin)
Nature Holiday 2010: Registration is now open!
a fun experience, experienced as an addictive and characterized by important issues such as coexistence with other boys and the relationship with nature. The weeks of holiday Nature of Legambiente is a proposal for sustainable tourism, which, as such plans to disseminate a culture of care "that, in the case of boys, it can be perceived if you are able to make them understand that the mountains , hills, forests, flowers belong to them and may also be a source of entertainment. The proposals are aimed at 2010: - children of the third, Fourth and fifth grade (Holiday Nature Junior) ; - boys first and second media (Holiday Nature Young) ; - families (Family Nature Holiday ) ! Each round will consist of approximately 15 participants. SHIFTS AND LOCATIONS: Casera of Bagni di Masino (San Martino - SO): - from Sunday 13 to Saturday, June 19 ( Junior) - from Sunday 20 to Saturday, June 26 (Young) - from Sunday, June 27 to Saturday, July 3 (Young) - Sunday 4 to Saturday, July 10 ( Junior) - from Sunday 25 to Saturday, July 31 ( Junior) - from Saturday 14 to Sunday, August 22 (Family) Permanente Center for Volunteerism and Education Environmental to Campsirago (Colle Brianza - LC ): - from Sunday 13 to Saturday, June 19 ( Junior) - from Sunday 20 to Saturday 26 June ( Junior) - Sunday 4 to Saturday, July 10 (Young) - from Sunday 11 to Saturday, July 17 ( Junior) Feniletto of Valvestino (Turano - BS): - from Sunday 13 to Saturday, June 19 (Young) - from Sunday 20 to Saturday 26 June ( Junior) - since Sunday 27 June to Saturday, July 3 ( Junior) - from Sunday 18 to Saturday 24 July ( Junior) - from Sunday 25 to Saturday July 31 (Young) - Sunday 1 to Sunday 8 agosto (Family) Per iscriversi è necessario telefonare allo 0341.202040 per verificare la disponibilità dei posti (massimo 15 per turno); sarà quindi inviata una scheda con le informazioni per il completamento l'iscrizione. Il contributo richiesto, comprensivo di vitto e alloggio per una settimana, assicurazione, materiali didattici, animazioni ed uscite, è di: Vacanza Natura Junior and Young Holiday Nature € 230 Family Nature Holiday € 350 1 parent + 1 child € 500 2 parents + 1 child € 150 for each additional child Each participant must be in possession of the card Legambiente . costs of the cards are: - € 10 up to 14 years - € 15 from 15 to 28 years - € 30 over 28 years - € 50 collective passport (for families, not including insurance ) Entries must be submitted to Onlus Legambiente Lecco. For more information: tel. 0341.202040 all Monday and Friday (17:00 to 19:00 ) will be present in the office worker (Laura) responsible for the entries. e-mail