The poet wrote poetry in dialect in old age. In 1929 it had sixty years. On this date also published her latest collection in language: "The eternal tomorrow." It almost seems, to those who care this Libroweb, a solitary witness to step inside the mind of the poet chiavennasca that tired, disappointed, isolated for his anti-fascism, meditate to cling to the dialect to strengthen even more the strong resistance to black shirts and Regards Roman prelude to any persecution. Bertacchi of dialect poems were collected - with great intelligence filogica and discuss their origins and development - and therefore by Guido Scaramellini This book, reprinted several times, please. The latest edition also contains valuable pictures: John Bertacchi, dialect poetry, Chiavenna 2001, Pro edition Chiavenna. In
Libroweb publish "a moment of nostalgia," which is one of the most read and remember the ground chiavennasca and Lombard. The poem was published in the journal The Torototele 1 January 1933. Together, composing almost a perfect triptych (and in the future they propose), there were "forty years of school" and "I have visited in the winter." The magazine was obviously very small, not very common, but after the rise of fascism to the poet that nothing remained similar or related magazines, such as Alba Serena, the world of the blind. Needless to point out the idiocy here, history and culture, which before the war unleashed by Hitler and Mussolini, in Italy you were on the whole society into a totalitarian and authoritarian, sometimes even read newspapers as Corriere della Sera. It is sufficient that such eminent historians to re-read the testimony of Louis Medici, a close friend of Bertacchi, who was director of the Milan newspaper, to prove at least embarrassing. But back to the dialect poetry that "tells" a Christmas excluded, a Christmas where the reliance on scales of their own imaginary land, can only produce nostalgia.
Bertacchi touches all the strings of the sentimental pathos with a vein of romantic ballad, a tale of waking and in front of the holy eve of the festival: there's the restaurant, the place par excellence of solitude, where dinner Chiavenna thinking, and to heat the food you just have to rethink childhood. Among the many insights evoked, which also give pain mediated by melancholy, it takes the strength of the adolescent search Bertacchi in Pratogiano, moss and laurel to the crib. With this image of dedication intent to decorate the fundamental event of Christianity - to which even the writer, in other latitudes, those of Pisa, took part - I conclude my brief remarks to a poem memorable generates in me the regret of not knowing how to read it properly, but readers, I hope that many of Libroweb of this chapter, they will surely at best, and the eve of Christmas. Cds, December 24, 2005
Quant Ciavena if the INOC
up, I know the mountain between mez,
Q. I know quii de Gandon ròcia
stravaca that in d the''campaign;
that which is then whether the paees
ciaman Tuti i gees, I
, úbandii de Lombardy
by the decree of fate mè, look for a place
on tavernas,
the wheels of a quai föoch fireplace, and Stoo
there to watch the oc i pasa
cont imbambolaa
TAC, prop 'sum
moment who I am, in dent' s room, the handsome colt
, with sentiment
tut de distance sailing
gh'é What 's that VIIf
or moor in the' winter of mè co?
Fora 's Dim:
that I come in on the curtains and to inno Gió straat,
as in a large font if scenarios
Profiling mè valaat. Perhaps
'st' time, up to Ciavena,
sonaràn for the novena.
O novena de Natal
vegia both trad and nova,
paar that my cel de val
to feel if the co-movement;
paar that is there on the propi
preúepi el de Geúü.
CAAR preúepi, regòrdi me!
with his comrades, I finished school, if
Coreva tuc d'acordo
up Capiöla
Prost and to seek, among Erbo mat,
gold, MUFA and spungiaràt.
Po of the stuf in the DEFA was a
between concomitantly to the scene alive: There were the
Pascoe, There were the AC, the sonadoo de
There were bagpipes,
El Bambino, which makes the dwarf
between du the beast, in the huts. How to rop
nA bastrüch
talked me into this scene, Sora
Fada sciüch
to four days along the de la novena!
Ghe sentivom at the feet of de riciàm
nosta mam.
Na Po L l let him come at that great day
quad Inocente
to appear if he saw the three Magi from the Orient, the trios
re: Gaspar, Melchior,
Baldas, the teúòr cont. In
NOC quii kings inscí beautiful, streamlined way to
to Vun Vun,
carried on the hip for cameos
quaicòs a nun ... Nun
to scüur, coi öc avèert,
trepignavom sot ai cuèert.
E l dí dòpo un carnevaa
tra tüc nün compàgn de giöoch:
magatèi, trombét, soldaa,
cont i eúempi arènt al föoch.
Fèsta granda, incoronada
d’una zena prelibada.
Ma, pö dòpo, che magón
tornà chiét sot ai lenzöo!
Piü vin. dolz, piü panéton,
tüt finii, i mè pòvar fiöo...
Domàn... scöla!Epifanía
tüti i fèst i a pòrta via!
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