Monday, March 14, 2011
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Maplestory Backgrounds For Blog
Closure of the extraordinary home of CAI Milano.
On the occasion of National Day for the 150th anniversary Unification of Italy, the Milan Section of the CAI will be closed to the public Thursday, March 17, 2011 (recurrence) and Friday, March 18, 2011 (bridge) .
All events already announced for these midweek days are postponed until a later date.
Monday, March 7, 2011
My Bearded Dragon Ears
Andes and Franco Michieli guests of "Talking Mountain ..." In Val
Friday, March 11 at 21 at our headquarters in Via Silvio Pellico 6, the noted journalist and explorer fototografo Franco Michieli will be the guest of CAI in Milan 'scope of review "Talking Mountain ..." an evening of screenings titled: ANDE WONDERFUL - Adventures of exploratory mountaineering and solidarity on the Cordilleras of Peru and Bolivia.
The largest mountain ranges of Peru and Bolivia are famous among climbers for the splendor of their Nevados icy landscapes and high altitudes. The poor campesinos who inhabit the slopes of these mountains have remained excluded from the long practice dell'andinismo. Since the '90s, some strong Italian mountaineers began their ascent to share with local youths, and the movement of Italian voluntary Operation Mato Grosso - in which cooperation is organized this evening - he founded the Marcarà training school for guide "Don Bosco en los Andes." Young people today are well trained guides UIAGM and work on their mountains. Franco Michieli, who has been working with the initiative, says with some spectacular images of the best companies with exploration carried out by Peruvian and Italian, and in particular the major crossings of the Cordilleras Blanca and Negra, Huayhuash, Raura in Peru and Bolivia in Real and offered ideas and information for those wishing to organize trekking expeditions in the Andes.
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Amendment To Partnership Deed
Monastery and the Swiss National Park Week with laVII Nature of CAI Milano.
Have you thought about a destination for your summer vacation in the mountains? If you want to spend a week this year in the heart of the Alps, with a daily program of tours of historic cultural and natural features, we propose the Nature of CAI Week Milan 2011 17 to 23 July 2011 Switzerland, in the nearby Valley Monastery wedged between the Swiss National Park and the Stelvio National Park. The initiative, now in its seventh edition, is organized by the Scientific Committee "Joseph Nangeroni. The Week program will be available in a few days in section and on our website .
In the meantime you can contact the leaders of the Commission by e-mail and know a little 'closer by participating in nature tours and becoming our friends on Face book
Friday, March 4, 2011
How Can Remain Invisible On Facebook?
Country "Night of the Toads 2011"
Spring. Come on, it's time to migrate ...

First, however, you must have plastic barriers to halt the advance of these little love and collect them calmly.
The installation of the barriers happen in the next two Saturdays ( 12, 19 and 26 March ) from 8.30.
those who wish to participate in the installation of barriers and / or evening shifts "service taxi", you should contact the contacts of the campaign to save:
Felice (WWF) 349.5216020
Simone (Legambiente) 338.5950152 -
hope to see you there! Because the more we are, before we finish and, above all, have fun!
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Xbox 360 Capture Cards
LIERNA biomass power plant?
At the link below you can read the report Constance Panella (Legambiente Circle Lario east coast) on the meeting of 25 February 2011 Lierna (parish hall) by L'Association Lettelariamente.
View the report
Post Meningitis Symptoms
Slovenia - a cheap holiday in health clubs, spas, caves of Postojna Caves Skocjan
the border with Italy, in a small surface area of \u200b\u200brich history, culture and nature, it turns out Slovenia. Slovenia is a special place to spend a cheap holiday in health clubs, spas, caves of Postojna Caves Skocjan famous throughout the world and citizens to remember. Slovenia is the best place for spa and wellness treatments, thanks to more than 15 spas that offer relaxation and climate and care for the mind and body, but also in a natural setting and compelling, that strengthens and renews providing a feeling of harmony and tranquility.
to its geographical size, Slovenia has more hot springs and Wellness Centers than elsewhere. About 87 hot springs are located throughout the country, offering treatments ranging from wine and chocolate and mineral water baths.
health care centers, spas and wellness centers in Slovenia are the pillars of supply for those who value the important health and wellness. Wellness centers are connected to centuries-old tradition of the spa experience and variety of experts who are dedicated to the health of soul and body. These centers are part of a prominent tourist destinations in Slovenia, offering a range of sports, entertainment, culinary delights and hotel in Slovenia of excellent quality.

the border with Italy, in a small surface area of \u200b\u200brich history, culture and nature, it turns out Slovenia. Slovenia is a special place to spend a cheap holiday in health clubs, spas, caves of Postojna Caves Skocjan famous throughout the world and citizens to remember. Slovenia is the best place for spa and wellness treatments, thanks to more than 15 spas that offer relaxation and climate and care for the mind and body, but also in a natural setting and compelling, that strengthens and renews providing a feeling of harmony and tranquility.
to its geographical size, Slovenia has more hot springs and Wellness Centers than elsewhere. About 87 hot springs are located throughout the country, offering treatments ranging from wine and chocolate and mineral water baths.
health care centers, spas and wellness centers in Slovenia are the pillars of supply for those who value the important health and wellness. Wellness centers are connected to centuries-old tradition of the spa experience and variety of experts who are dedicated to the health of soul and body. These centers are part of a prominent tourist destinations in Slovenia, offering a range of sports, entertainment, culinary delights and hotel in Slovenia of excellent quality.
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Swollen Eyelid Not Red
begin meetings CINECLUB MOUNTAIN, a new initiative of the CAI Milano.
How many film lovers of mountains and mountaineering in Milan? Many think if they have given to Successfully Film Commission's proposals to the number of CAI Milano from "The other Trent" on "Film collection.
The Chamber has decided in March and April to organize some events - the first and third Friday of the month - in which to enjoy a movie together ... surprise, and then group.
E 'born then CINECLUB MOUNTAIN that will be required to baptism Friday, March 4 at 21 in place.
Entry restricted to members of the Italian Alpine Club!
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Connecting Meade Telescope To Canon Camera
Spaziomontagna Octagon houses the works of Slovenia Danilo Cedilnik-Den
part of the exhibition program of Octagon - Spaziomontagna, the Italian Alpine Club and the Association of Slovenians in Milan are the staff of the Slovenian mountaineer and painter Danilo Cedinik-Den entitled "The Light of Vette" .
The exhibition opens on Tuesday, March 1, 2011 at 18.30 at our head office in Via Silvio Pellico 6 (M1 and M3 Duomo).
will introduce the the evening prof. Igor Skampa University of Ljubljana dealing with the theme of the painting of the mountain.
Danilo Cedilnik born in Den- 1947 in Ljubljana, where he still lives and works, he attended and completed the School of Applied Art and then continued his studies in fine arts at the Academy of Pedagogy Ljubljana. After graduation he taught art subjects Å martno to school. Since 1987 he is also an active member of DSLU (Slovenian Association of visual artists). Cedilnik always remained in his heart torn between his two great passions: the art of mountaineering that he always lived together. Cedilnik, as a mountain guide, as a member of Mountain Rescue and a number of mountaineering expeditions in the Alps and the Himalayas, thanks to his experience of life has nurtured the artist in him and through the prism of the creation especially literary and figurative us sharers of his world - and suffered the visual world of the beloved mountains.'s evocative images of mountains, sometimes as true portraits and sometimes as thin, shiny appearance to the limit of the dream recall constantly the anecdotal and the transience of man in front of the cold grandeur of nature and eternity. His works have been exhibited in numerous solo and group exhibitions.
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Small White Spots In Cats Feaces
Tour Finale in nature with the "scientific".
browse the file 01/2011
will be a memorable evening dedicated to the figure of a pioneer - Geo Chavez - the first flew across the Alps Special guest Corriere della Sera journalist Giovanni Caprara we will outline a profile with pictures and testimonials of this remarkable man and of its businesses.
Participation in the meetings is free.
Joseph Nangeroni The Scientific Committee resumed its activities with this hike inland from the Riviera di Ponente Gorra in Borgio Verezzi.
Registrations are already open in the Secretariat and as always, members can also join the call at the exit (0236515702) providing for the simultaneous payment by credit card.
or directly from this blog.

The conversation will be introduced by actress Sylvia Hall, who will read excerpts - and prose poems - written and composed on Geo Chavez.
The meeting is sponsored by the University of Milano - Bicocca, who oversaw the re-release in its series "Ars et Labor" some very hard to find volumes of Luigi Barzini and Armando Silvestri intended to renew the public's attention on a younger man and a company that made history.
The exhibition will then continue until the month of May with a further six meetings were at the same stages of an exciting excursion "with" e "in" the know. "Talking Mountain ..." is the matching of experiences, interests, disciplines and arts around the great guiding theme of the Mountain. An ambitious project that began in 2003, sees the synergistic collaboration between the Italian Alpine Club and the research world, between different disciplines Sciences and Humanities, among scholars and lovers of history and current climbing.
As has become tradition "Talking Mountain ..." is sponsored jointly by the Italian Alpine Club - Milan section and GISM - Delegation of Lombardy with the sponsorship of the Lombardy Region and the Province of Milan.
Participation in the meetings is free.
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Free Buggy Building Plan
's online issue of the new CAIMILANOnews
During the film festival "Cinema collection of" the online newsletter will invite the public CAIMILANOnews Film Gnome to connect from home computers to our blog ( /
) to signal a review of the film more like it. The survey, completely anonymous, you can give some important information to the Commission of the CAI Milano Film Festival for the organization of future events dedicated to cinema of the mountains and mountaineering.
Want to join in too? Use form on the side of this post and do not forget that you expect from this evening - 18:30 - Cinema in Gnome via Lanzone 30 / A - M2 Sant'Ambrogio. Free admission.
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Sore Legs With Gallstones
with an evening dedicated to the first flew across the Alps was opened "Talking Mountain ..." 2011
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Ho Has The Biggest Boobs Of Divas In Wwe
The best of "collection Film" 2011: Join the survey CAIMILANOnews
From February 15 to 20, the Gnome will be hosting the exhibition hall free entrance "Film summit", promoted by Culture in collaboration with the Milan Section of the Italian Alpine Club.
The program offers a series of films ranging from climbing nature, the adventure and exploration.
"The cinema has always projected on the screen the human adventure, myths and rituals that move through our challenges - said the Councillor for Culture Massimiliano Finazzer Flory -. In this review, the relationship between nature and culture becomes a unique art, in which pictures, soundtracks and words help us to go in search of the infinite. "
"The cinema has always projected on the screen the human adventure, myths and rituals that move through our challenges - said the Councillor for Culture Massimiliano Finazzer Flory -. In this review, the relationship between nature and culture becomes a unique art, in which pictures, soundtracks and words help us to go in search of the infinite. "
The evening will be introduced by Piero Carlesi journalist and expert of the Milan Section of the CAI.
Download the detailed program Sunday, February 13, 2011
Word Template For Concert Poster
"Film collection" a week dedicated to the great mountain film
lovers of downhill skiing have always been in the group CAI Milan a certain point of reference when it comes to spend a Sunday or a weekend on the best slopes in the Alps
This year the program is not less the expectations of anyone with eleven day trips, weekend and six weeks holiday in the Dolomites. The overall program is distributed in the Secretariat.
The first release is scheduled for Sunday, January 16 on the snow of Tonale.
more at 21 at our program of hiking season this year.
The event itself has become a traditional event for lovers of hiking, the chance to meet or to know one of the busiest reality of CAI Milano.
Monday, February 7, 2011
7month Old Baby Has A Dry Cough
February 18, 2011 THE BACK
M'illumino less
A Bellano you expect from 18.00 to 19.00, by candlelight.
Caterpillar Legambiente and invite municipalities, associations, schools, businesses and homes all over Italy to join the initiative by creating the "energy silence" which involved the streets across Europe in recent years.
New this year is the important collaboration between Caterpillar and Legambiente and so the day of "energy silence" changes for this year in an invitation to a party of clean energy.
The waste reduction and attention to alternative sources are become watchwords family, even if it takes time and confidence to acquire new and healthier habits.
We can go one step further and propose "ignition virtuous" dedicated to renewable sources: in addition to savings, which is the primary source of energy, we learn to produce better and demand clean energy.
Il Circolo Legambiente Lario Eastern Shore invites administrators and citizens to join the lights and turning off unnecessary electrical appliances on Friday, February 18 from 18.00 to 19.00.
We will be by candlelight for a moment information and reflection on the theme, open to all, the new premises that the CAI has agreed to share with us, a beautiful square in St. George in the lobby of the former cotton mill.
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Ppf V/s Fdv/smutual Fund
PRESS RELEASE February 4, 2011
Sun and more sun. The forecast weather damage in the coming days. This season, however, good weather is synonymous with high levels of dust and out of the norm thin atmosphere. So far this year we have witnessed a long series of days of exceedances. If we continue at this rate in the province of Lecco, in a few days, already reaching the limit of days, that the European Community established in 35, where it is allowed to "stay within" the concentrations of PM10 in the air.
However, in addition to the atmosphere, also on the policy front is calm. In particular, the Region, to whom falls the task of director is not doing anything.
And nothing, or almost, is a day of traffic restrictions, among other things only on Sundays, the city of Milan.
The fine particles are caused to 18% from domestic heating, to 25% from certain production activities and 23% by road traffic. Difficult to intervene quickly on heating, although here, in recent years, we have made great strides with the gradual shift from oil to natural gas, and especially with the periodic inspection of boilers. Here is the province that should not lower their guard and step up controls on the maintenance of the boilers. Should then stepped up controls on production, but an estimated 5-8% in the possibility of further reduction in the short term, emissions of particulate into the atmosphere. Much easier to stop thinking for a few days, the contribution of PM10 from the traffic. Just a block, perhaps during a business day, to act decisively on this contribution. Of course, then we should have a sufficient number of public transport, buses and coaches decent. Maybe a little 'too much for a region and a central government that the environmental issue has made only a problem of costs.
How much does the public with a tumor? How much does chronic asthma?
The rest of Europe has gone in the opposite direction, but we continue to plan and, unfortunately, to build new highways. In the face of poor investment in rail infrastructure and equipment will throw millions of euro in highways. And not only talking about the dreams of the Pharaonic bridge over the Strait of Messina, but the highways of our region: the Bre.Be.Mi (Brescia - Bergamo - Milan), Broni-Mortara, our own foothills that is nothing but a variant of the A4, just a little 'to the north.
not saying that none of these works is completely useless, some siding, some bypass, surely it may be necessary, but in a moment of crisis, we must make choices in the field. O is for sustainable mobility, or decide that people can suffocate in a gray sky with smoke.
is not just a problem of engine efficiency, which still counts, the PM10 is also produced by the use of tires, brakes, the asphalt that deteriorates. Not to mention the hours we spend in the queue waiting at a traffic light with the engine running.
"You have broken the lungs" is the slogan that Legambiente once used to say that it is time to change course. This is no longer an emergency is the daily norm this season. We are fed up of Councillors Cattaneo, and inaugurate a new railway locomotive, two hours after throwing yet another foundation stone of a new highway. Formigoni governors who continue to say that environmentalists are the most in this world, but every year we do win the "prize" for the greatest number of days exceeding the PM10. It takes courage in politics and often this means unpopular, at least immediately. Courage does not seem to have it in hand, they are masters in the pursuit of popularity. Meanwhile, the people, forests, animals, continue to get sick. Creation, so sometimes inappropriately praised suffers.
Legambiente of the Province of Lecco
Reactive Lympthocytes
LEGAMBIENTE MERATESE Keep your eyes open!
History is another attempt meratese land use without any consideration of the beauties of the place and the already strong human presence in the area.
nell'Adda We threw in 40, we have cleaned up in 35 the area between the Adda and the Paderno Canal, we had a 15-meter-long banner exposed to Fair Sun Osnago and Paderno bridge that still hangs in the Naviglio di Paderno old, we had a website, all this after the end of May 2010 the territory was the object of Meratese another attempt is no land use account of the beauties of the place and the already strong human presence in the area.
First things first. In late May Merateonline, on the recommendation of the mayor of Paderno d'Adda Valter Motta, published an article where he announced that was filed in the City project for a new hydroelectric plant in the old channel of the Adda, and whoever attends the places considers the old Adda a charming place, not surprisingly gave Leonardo the Triglav which setting of the two Virgin of the Rocks.
The Adda old already beginning 900 receives only the excess water of the central Bertini and during periods of low water becomes a torrent of small, even for this reason the request alongside the Bertini seems not only detrimental to sites also difficult because the vital flow of water should be provided for the maintenance of the river fauna.
soon discover that the requests are submitted to the central three and not one, viewing the projects can also be theoretically made all, being in fact in line, and playing alongside and in the three small hydropower plants already exist Esterle, Semenza Bertini.
soon discover that the requests are submitted to the central three and not one, viewing the projects can also be theoretically made all, being in fact in line, and playing alongside and in the three small hydropower plants already exist Esterle, Semenza Bertini.
Three projects, three companies, perhaps due to a single plan to force his hand and, on the pretext of clean energy, shot to death the heart of the North Adda Park Eco and Leonardo .
Mayor Paderno being prodded and institutional involves the provinces of Bergamo and Lecco and the Adda Nord Park; Legambiente Meratese prepares and sends the comments to projects in the province of Bergamo, for territorial reasons, it 's entity pulling the strings of these required and, with the help of local associations (other circles Legambiente land, ecological guards, canoe clubs, Antisopore) organizes activities such as Big Jump, a dip in the Adda to the ferry by Leonardo Clean Up the World on the banks of the Adda and the Naviglio, trade fair participation of the Sun Local papers dealing with this growing pressures on land, the chronicles of these events are recorded Blog Legambiente Meratese bottom of the page that contains the site .
Because of regulations which facilitate clean energy seems difficult in opposition to these projects, and the answers to our initial comments we receive from the Province of Bergamo Technical calm down there, the entire estate goes through a continual coming and going of letters, requests, questions to the provinces of Bergamo and Lecco. In late September we organize Clean Up the World on the banks of the Adda to focus on power, and put on the bridge for a day Paderno the banner that will then be placed in the vessel near the area according to the plans should be the most affected the projects.
few days later, a little 'suddenly, the province of Bergamo rejects the three projects, the stopping power, closing the game, although it seems that at least one of the industry is thinking about an appeal. We stand with eyes open!
Should I Wear Sunscreen Before Solarium
In a scenario of cuts to navigation, the need to interchange the lake seem to rubber-Valmadrera, new proposals for a ECOPORT in the basin of Lecco.
Among the statutory purposes Lario and smaller lakes of the Consortium include the joint management of the functions conferred on municipalities and provinces on State Property and inland lake and its management.
Without entering into concessions of state property such as banks and waters (the exclusive use of limited duration must be considered the exception, while the general rule is that everyone can enjoy) we must note as income of the Consortium is now more than 5 million per year, of which 40% is transferred to the Region, which invests in part on the "Schedule of regional interventions in the internal waters of the state property." This mechanism should be revised Once approved the Plan of the State Property Industry and Navigation lake that, after many delays, the tape would start to be prepared by the Consortium Lario and smaller lakes, as an "old" Memorandum of Understanding between the Consortium and the Provinces of Lecco and Como. We hope that this programming tool to promote, in line with new policies, the protection of environmental resources, landscape and spatial perspective of sustainable development.
According to one interpretation of the principle of subsidiarity, the resources produced on the lakes as a result of revenue from state concessions should be left to the consortia to interventions on state property along the lines indicated by the plans for the sector, once also shared by the Region. The objectives of the member municipalities (it would be more useful to the mandatory nature of the Consortium) and the provinces of Como and Lecco will, should be in line with the contents of the "Integrated planning of the coastal lake": Here you will measure the maturity and the ability of the Consortium to develop an Industry Plan for environmental quality to face experimental prototype on the Lake, the only great lake entirely included in boundaries of the region.
The sector plans, before you even find where to place new port systems, will need to identify the places where to focus the best environmental conditions, ecological, structural, which may allow for appropriate interventions, after setting of the capacity of "unbearable maximum" of vessels in the basin, particularly the motor, avoid negative impacts ecosystem and tourism, whose vocation is linked to the dominant culture, the landscape, the architecture, folk traditions and local products. No coincidence that a recent European Commission Green Paper on territorial cohesion identifies as a strong point of territorial diversity in our case is also enhanced by the beauty and cultural values that can guarantee a harmonious and sustainable development and social growth, where transport and environment are central themes. One of the key concepts is to overcome the administrative boundaries to address common challenges as a priority on environmental issues and landscape of managing state property.
In terms of investment, revenues from concessions, according to the above considerations, it is necessary to think now, particularly at this stage of economic and financial crisis, whether it is a priority to begin to think about the support of lake transport and for support to commuters and tourists (eg vessels linking the countries of Lake Garlate and the Lecco branch of the capital) instead of building new ports, which tend mechanism configured now as real estate development and not a means to facilitate and enhance mobility on water. The negative example of the port project Caviate Lecco (fortunately blocked by a regional decree on EIA) shows that we wanted to make a port for 335 berths in a place not suitable for such an impact, to justify construction of 8 plans for 50,000 mc.
In view also believe that Expo 2015 will not affect overseas visitors arriving to see a harbor with boats, but to have a good transport service on the lakes, to move to discover the beauty and taste the products (by the way the capital Manzoni in the cold season from October to April is looking to move a boat in the Lecco branch and now with the cuts will be crises in other periods).
management of the public with new lines where needed is one of the statutory purposes of the Consortium: This will be a challenge to be addressed carefully but firmly, now that budgets are cut to the lake navigation. Instead of investing the revenues from state concessions in works that are beyond the planning and create environmental hazards to the lake, it is necessary to support the navigation, even by the region that takes a percentage of state concessions collected by the Consortium. Also requires an awareness of citizenship to understand that good public domain, because it belongs to everyone, can not be used (and busy) by a few, maybe no rules, since the grant is the exception.
worry about the quality of our environment Como, interventions should be emphasized that public lands in the lake modifying the state of places and landscapes are one of the dangers that call into question the quality of sustainable development of our tourism.
should be resized and then surround with a tendency to embrace almost suffocating lakes (especially lakes) with cycling paths that lap, when they come in the same waters and in the reeds, and it is unacceptable that occur invasions bed with fixed structures, removed from office. Even the floating structures, however, can create problems if they are not placed in niches and quantitative restrictions, they could turn the lake into a body frozen and paralyzed by artificial prosthesis placed on the healthy parts.
With this background we think:
A) navigation Public lake should be working, that of relying on revenue from state concessions;
B) State Property Sector Plan to be part of the navigation and targeting environmental sustainability and preservation of landscape;
C) plans for the port facility for intermodal road-water seem to be Valmadrera materialize through a table for discussion and agreement between the Government and with the purposes set out in the Project Card No. 8 PTCP of the Province of Lecco
D) expected results in the Projects tab n .7 for the redevelopment of the shores of Lake Como and Lake Garlate mobility through a "sweet" and a mobile mooring system in terms of transport links with Electric Boats are completed, blocking any new invasive intervention in the lake of Lecco, where may result in only a "system of eco-mobility" in the lake and on land, according to some interesting ideas contained in "the idea ECOPORT in the Lake of Lecco."
Terrasil Treatment For Common Warts
Legambiente alderman has proposed the Environment of the Province of Lecco to work together to promote the replacement of asbestos roof with solar panels, since their census.
On 12 January the coordination of the Working of the Province of Lecco has met with the Ministry for Environment Signorelli on asbestos.
Plan of removal of Lombardy, approved in 2005, provides for the elimination by January 2016 that all asbestos present in the Region, consisting mainly of asbestos cement roofing. The data provided by the Region in 2008 estimated 85 square kilometers of coverage for 2.8 million cubic meters of material to be removed, including almost 98,000 in the province.
The meeting was presented the campaign "Eternit free" Legambiente and AzzeroCO2 that aims to combine the promotion of photovoltaics with the asbestos removal.
The project envisages that companies can receive qualified support to invest their resources in setting up a photovoltaic system qualify for free or yielding the right of the drainage area of \u200b\u200bcoverage to AzzeroCO2.
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Renewable and nuclear energy savings versus
The alternative to nuclear is not a dream: + 600% of PV capacity installed in 2010 in Italy.
The Manager of the national electricity system (GSE) said that in 2010 Italy has reached the goal, that was unthinkable a year ago, 7,000 MW of installed PV capacity.
In 2009 it stood at just over 1000 MW so Italy has partially recovered in this field lags behind other European countries, starting with Germany, where the same panel PV produces just over half of the one installed in Italy.
Here is some information to understand the importance of this fact:
- Mwh of renewable energy equivalent to 600,000 TOE (tonnes oil equivalent),
- the target for photovoltaics in 2020 was set by the Government of 8,000 Mw,
- photovoltaics already equivalent to one or more of nuclear power stations planned by the Government,
- PV is just one of the renewable sources whose requests for consideration by regional offices, already exceed the total electricity consumed in our country today.
is reasonable to think that you can totally change within a short time in Italy and the Mediterranean fossil fuels with renewable ones saving the environment and freeing people from tenure conflicts fossil resources.
The year 2011 will see the international battle for the renewal of the Kyoto Protocol, the treaty regarding global warming, signed in 1997 by more than 160 nations and came into force February 16, 2005 following ratification by Russia, which requires industrialized countries to reduce by 2012 the emissions of CO2 and five other greenhouse gases to an extent not less than 5% compared to 1990.
In Italy, where there will be no early elections we have the two referendums on the water the common good and against nuclear power.
These news on photovoltaics encourage us in the work of disseminating and promoting a new model of production and consumption of energy based on the territory controlled from below, in accordance with change in lifestyle and real needs. As an alternative to the model of large power plants and distribution networks that are controlled from above and meet the criteria of profit rather than those of efficiency and savings.
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
How To Get Ur Bf To Kiss Boobs
NeveDiversa 2011: Excursion to the moonlight in Valmasino
note: Subscriptions You will have until exhaustion
and new models of sustainable tourism development in mountain areas to enhance the national territory without damaging ecosystems.
In Valmasino and Val di Mello, and Legambiente Ersaf , in collaboration with the Municipality of Valmasino the Group of Civil Protection, the ' Valmasino Operators Association and Relais Bagni di Masino , the project houses in the forest, offering a two-day winter to promote the forest region of Bagni di Masino and the Natural Reserve of Val di Mello, two significant examples of sustainable land development Alpine.
Saturday 19 and Sunday, February 20 in Valmasino we wait for a wonderful two days of tours, dinners and relax at the spa! On 19 and snowshoeing at the feet, we start from San Martin to reach the Casera of Bagni di Masino passing through the nature reserve of the Val di Mello. After a dinner with friends at the restaurant "The Peaks" or you can stay overnight at the Hut (0341.202040) or one of the hotels in the area (338.1762312). For those staying in bed the morning of Sunday 20 you can take a walk on the snow at Bagni di Masino or relax in the wellness of the Spa at a special price.
(to download the flyer, right click and then "Save Target As ...")
Saturday 19 and Sunday, February 20 in Valmasino we wait for a wonderful two days of tours, dinners and relax at the spa! On 19 and snowshoeing at the feet, we start from San Martin to reach the Casera of Bagni di Masino passing through the nature reserve of the Val di Mello. After a dinner with friends at the restaurant "The Peaks" or you can stay overnight at the Hut (0341.202040) or one of the hotels in the area (338.1762312). For those staying in bed the morning of Sunday 20 you can take a walk on the snow at Bagni di Masino or relax in the wellness of the Spa at a special price.
(to download the flyer, right click and then "Save Target As ...")
Download the application form: by fax - mail
For information and registration:
Legambiente Lecco Onlus tel.0341/202040 / e-mail:
Ersaf Morbegno
Legambiente Lecco Onlus tel.0341/202040 / e-mail:
Ersaf Morbegno
tel.02/67404581 / e-mail: lucia.rovedatti @
note: Subscriptions You will have until exhaustion
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Letter Of Requesting Housing
In recognition of CAI Milano Milan Historic Sports Association.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Epilator Should Buy 2010
Skiing on the scenic slopes of the Alps with Ski Group CAI Milano.
CAI Milan has its "own" flag? Very few places you will never be the question. The answer is yes and our Constitution provides in article 2:
(...) The flag of the Association is the national tricolor flag, the banner is on one side tricolor vertical bands, crossed by the motto Excelsior and the other bears on a white field in the arms of the CAI and the left corner above the coat of arms of Milan and the writing section of Milan. The flag and the banner of the Association for ceremonies and events can intervene only after a decision from the Board or the President
. "Sunday, January 9, 2011
V.bernardelli Gardone Modelo
Presentation of the 2011 walking season.
For the past eight years our Chamber is organizing a gallerist significant activity in the bow seat via Pellico 6. Ottagono Spaziomontagna The 2011 season will open on Tuesday 11 21 January 2011 at the exhibition "From the fog Aurora Borealis" which offers a selection of spectacular shots of the photographer and mountaineer Milan Davide Necchi. The exhibition will be open to the public - Monday to Friday - up 29 January next. Free admission.
To know the work of Davide Necchi
MDGs George wanted to be near him in this sad occasion we remember that
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