PRESS RELEASE February 4, 2011
Sun and more sun. The forecast weather damage in the coming days. This season, however, good weather is synonymous with high levels of dust and out of the norm thin atmosphere. So far this year we have witnessed a long series of days of exceedances. If we continue at this rate in the province of Lecco, in a few days, already reaching the limit of days, that the European Community established in 35, where it is allowed to "stay within" the concentrations of PM10 in the air.
However, in addition to the atmosphere, also on the policy front is calm. In particular, the Region, to whom falls the task of director is not doing anything.
And nothing, or almost, is a day of traffic restrictions, among other things only on Sundays, the city of Milan.
The fine particles are caused to 18% from domestic heating, to 25% from certain production activities and 23% by road traffic. Difficult to intervene quickly on heating, although here, in recent years, we have made great strides with the gradual shift from oil to natural gas, and especially with the periodic inspection of boilers. Here is the province that should not lower their guard and step up controls on the maintenance of the boilers. Should then stepped up controls on production, but an estimated 5-8% in the possibility of further reduction in the short term, emissions of particulate into the atmosphere. Much easier to stop thinking for a few days, the contribution of PM10 from the traffic. Just a block, perhaps during a business day, to act decisively on this contribution. Of course, then we should have a sufficient number of public transport, buses and coaches decent. Maybe a little 'too much for a region and a central government that the environmental issue has made only a problem of costs.
How much does the public with a tumor? How much does chronic asthma?
The rest of Europe has gone in the opposite direction, but we continue to plan and, unfortunately, to build new highways. In the face of poor investment in rail infrastructure and equipment will throw millions of euro in highways. And not only talking about the dreams of the Pharaonic bridge over the Strait of Messina, but the highways of our region: the Bre.Be.Mi (Brescia - Bergamo - Milan), Broni-Mortara, our own foothills that is nothing but a variant of the A4, just a little 'to the north.
not saying that none of these works is completely useless, some siding, some bypass, surely it may be necessary, but in a moment of crisis, we must make choices in the field. O is for sustainable mobility, or decide that people can suffocate in a gray sky with smoke.
is not just a problem of engine efficiency, which still counts, the PM10 is also produced by the use of tires, brakes, the asphalt that deteriorates. Not to mention the hours we spend in the queue waiting at a traffic light with the engine running.
"You have broken the lungs" is the slogan that Legambiente once used to say that it is time to change course. This is no longer an emergency is the daily norm this season. We are fed up of Councillors Cattaneo, and inaugurate a new railway locomotive, two hours after throwing yet another foundation stone of a new highway. Formigoni governors who continue to say that environmentalists are the most in this world, but every year we do win the "prize" for the greatest number of days exceeding the PM10. It takes courage in politics and often this means unpopular, at least immediately. Courage does not seem to have it in hand, they are masters in the pursuit of popularity. Meanwhile, the people, forests, animals, continue to get sick. Creation, so sometimes inappropriately praised suffers.
Legambiente of the Province of Lecco
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