hotel prices vary depending on the time of the year, July and August with the peak season and May / June and September / October, the off-season. In Ljubljana, the prices are stable all year. Many hotels in Slovenia include breakfast in the price, and many offer discounts or free admission to the baths in the city.
Private rooms arranged by tourist offices and travel agencies may be cheap, but a surcharge of up to 50% is often applied to stays less than three nights. You can wait the extra rooms without going directly to any home with a written often 'rooms'.
Agricultural cooperatives in Slovenia organized a unique program to accommodate visitors on working farms.
In summer, camping is the cheapest way to travel, and convenient campsites are located throughout the country. You do not need a tent as camping, you can always rent a bungalow at little cost or a trailer. Two good places to camp are Zlatorog on Lake Bohinj Jezero Fiesa near Piran, although it can be very crowded in summer.
A small hotel may be good value, although in July and August may need to take at least one meal and the prices are higher.
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