With superlicie of 20,251 sq km, Slovenia and the smallest of the states in recent years ESTABLISHED following the disintegration of the political system of 'Central and Eastern Europe. Located at the crossroads of different European regions presents a remarkable variety of landscapes including the analysis of its physical appearance is not public regardless of its location at the junction between the Alpine, the Balkan mountains and the Pannonian plains.
The Slovenian territory and predominantly mountainous and hilly, the last Alpine foothills occupy almost the entire northern part, while the alternation in the middle of hills, river valleys and large basins makes up the pre-Alpine foothills of Slovenia. In the southwestern part of the plateau of the Carso joining the Alps to the Croatian coastal ranges, while in the east and south-east, the mountains fade into the Pannonian plains.
This area is crossed by a major international transport corridors, connecting Eastern Europe, Central Europe and Western balcanicha the peninsula and the Middle East. Tourism in Slovenia offers a wide range of hotels and spas, relaxation and activities, skiing and water, camping and apartments.
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